concept list

cooperative learning
embodied learning
multisensorial learning

systemic thinking
linear thinking

agile development process
adding value
transformative processing

systemic design for [adjectice] change
user experience design
learner experience design

systemic awareness of the individual and the collective body
using the body to express conversation, meaning, and values
using drama and theatre as a common language
using drama and theatre as a tool for conversation and discourse
using drama as a tool for learning and transformation

cooperative design and collective delivery of a learning play

the learning body
the individual and the learning body
learning body affordances and entry points
the headline

TNS character devising card game
attributes (8) and atomic weights
character development
narrative and vocabulary
play affordances and entry points
the iteration cycle

sociodramatic development
review and retro

rainbow of desire

Plasticity. Being without being. Objects can acquire any meaning, they are merely placeholders for concepts, ideas, stories.
Space within a space. As students, spectaCtors, active participants, we create a space of our own within the space allotted to us, within the physical space in which we exist.
This is the stage of life. It is impossible to hide. Every aspect of the space is seen, making even the far away close-up.

source material